Monday, March 21, 2005

They are FINALLY admitting that their own "Stability Pact" is coming back to haunt them!

I do not need to offer a link, as this story has been all over the place. The 3.0% Deficit/GDP ratio and 60% total debt outstanding to current fiscal year's GDP rules that France and Germany have enforced so strongly on their much smaller neighbors, is now causing major problems for their own economies. What is sad is that these smaller and frankly, economically distressed countries, fought to fit France's and Germany's rules, only to see the enforcers back out themselves! The European community has lagged the US so badly that even the people of France want to back out of the EU (poll of 802 people showed that 51% will vote NO to the May 29th referendum).

The "Stability Pact" was the single most important reason for the Euro becoming a "reservable currency." The Euro is now slowly losing its status as the second most reservable currency.

Maybe its time to hedge those shorts by shorting Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet has a $21 billion bet against the dollar. Note that he has NEVER gotten a single currency bet right!


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