Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Former President Clinton announces initiative to combat childhood obesity

May 3, 2005, 3:05 PM EDTNEW YORK -- Former President Bill Clinton and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee joined with the American Heart Association on Tuesday in announcing a campaign to fight soaring rates of childhood obesity that they said could doom youngsters to heart disease, diabetes and shortened lifespans.

"The truth is that children born today could become part of the first generation in American history to live shorter lives than their parents because so many are eating too much of the wrong things and not exercising enough," Clinton said.

This is a very, very serious problem. I see it everyday and everywhere I go. I can not think about McDonalds, etc. food without gagging, why do people do this to their children or themselves for that matter?! Some blame it on computers and the lack of activities children involve themselves in, however it simply comes down to the parents, as their choices will ultimately impact their children. So Timmy is overweight due to eating too many Twinkies and Coke, lock the cabinets and get him to play outside! I do understand that some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight, however this is a very minute percentage of those that are obese. It's great that numerous hospital systems and politicians are recognizing this and trying to make a difference.


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