Back From NYC
I was in New York City for the better part of last week. The time spent in NYC went very well, I bettered some client relationships and did some great promoting of my research. I love actually creating a product and having many of the key decision makers in the industry making it a part of their trading strategies, etc.. However, the flight back was one of the WORST travel experiences I have ever had!!!
I got to NY La Guardia (the worst big-city airport, of which I travel to nearly every month) at about 5 PM to learn that my flight had been delayed to 8 PM. No problem, grab a beer and some grub and wait. Well, at 7:30 PM I am waiting to board and the gate staff report that my flight has been delayed until 10 PM. I basically sit around with absolutely NOTHING to do with just about one hundred Spring Breakers that are throwing frisbees over my head, ready for their excursions down to MTV's Spring Break in Cancun. I finally get onto the plane and arrive in Chicago at 1 AM. Since many other delayed flights were also landing at O'Hare airport, it was like U2 was throwing a free concert! My car was late, so I didnt get home until 2 AM. Fall asleep at 3 AM. Of course, I have to wake up at 5 AM to get back to work the next day.
The weekend went much smoother. I was very domestic and bought a new Persian rug and TV stand for the living room.
Lots of work to do this week, but I can not wait for a break later this month for some relaxation.
1. the harassment you took over not blogging seems to have been ignored.
2. Persion rug must mean you also finished the living room construction... do tell!
3. Why don't we just let Janna create a blog.
I will definetely post pictures. It is probably one of the more "manly" things I have done in a while. I nearly forgot how to operate power tools, which is very sad and depressing. And I agree, Janna would be much better at this blog thing than myself!!!
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