Monday, November 13, 2006

It just keeps going up?!?!

The stock market continues its nutty ride higher and higher, which is truly difficult to justify. Volatility has somewhat picked up, but still not making trading/life exciting enough. BUT, I am definetely not complaining since I would rather see stocks rise with my equity portfolio than fall.

Talking about a market that is not going up... housing. I am feeling very bad for friends/acquaintances that have just recently purchased homes, unable to ride any of the housing boom's wave higher. So many homeowners made good returns over the previous years that those left out, really were left out with how expensive homes now are. I have been trying to convince some to postpone buying this winter, as the market has a good chance of continuing to soften into late spring of 2007. Certainly do not want to be buying a top.

I feel good about the Dems taking control, Washington definetely needs a shake-up. Hopefully, the senate and congress can actually get something done.


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