Feelin' Gooood
I had a lot of time to get some long work outs in over the weekend since Janna was working for most of it. On Saturday, I braved a boring 26 mile trainer ride (watched Jackass the Movie, which was equally as boring). On Sunday, I did another 18 mile trainer ride and went out for a run right afterwards. It was so nice that I extended my run from 5 to 8 miles. So I ended up doing a decent brick early in the year. I am usually not destroying my knees until May.
I am REALLY looking forward to the triathlon/racing season! I have signed up for the Big Foot (olympic), Lake Geneva (olympic), and Porcupine (olympic) races thus far. Also thinking about getting a new bike, we'll see.
Way to go!!!
Hey, with the date set, is there any chance you two are heading South this year or is it on hold?
I'm loving the running, too. Keep it up.
you married yet? update, please...
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