Friday, October 21, 2005

"Baseball... People will come Ray..."

I am probably the worst blogger in the world and anyone I had reading it has probably lost hope. Nonetheless, I'll pretend I am a timely and insightful blogger.

I spent the past two days running around New York City visiting clients. Getting up at 3 AM and then meeting with numerous managing directors of prop desks and hedge funds is a bit stressful! Going out and getting drunk with them at night is crazy! It's a completely different world from the good old days of drinking at Brats or the "terrace" with bills not exceeding two digits. Going from bar to bar throwing around mucho (and I mean mucho) dinero on food and booze is not something I am accustomed to. Hanging out in apartments that have 360 degree views of NYC makes me a bit jealous of the owners, especially when they are my age. I'm getting there though.

On to another subject, the ChiSox are in the World Series. I absolutely HATE baseball, but find myself watching all of the games, I guess it is the Chicagoan in me (even though I live in the burbs). Hopefully, I'll actually watch the Badger game this weekend!
