Friday, December 30, 2005

Ohhhhh the Midwest...

Every other week or so I go through a bout of being utterly upset that I still live in the Midwest. I get e-mails from friends who live in southern California or Colorado and grow very envious. Now I am not saying that I dislike the Midwest, it is simply a very naïve and different place from the “coasts.” Janna knows that I am mostly talk, but I wish that the firm I work for would pick up and move to San Francisco or Los Angeles! This cold and homogenous culture I need to get away from! Most of my college friends are living it up, skiing in the mountains, lying on the beach, etc. on the weekends. Well, Ill get back to normal next week…

On to other things, I am trying to figure out what kind of car to get. I want to be very sensible, as spending a lot of money or leasing a car is not. Here are my top two picks: Infiniti G35 and Acura TL. I can not seem to make up my mind. The Infiniti has a VERY beefy engine (298 hp / 270 lb-ft torque), but lacks the nice interior of my current car (Saab). The Acura TL has a beautiful interior and a well-built engine (258 hp / 230 lb-ft torque). What do you think? Other suggestions?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Xmas: Good Weekend

Well, let me tell you, Janna and I have never been able to wait until Christmas to open our presents for each other. Janna can barely keep her gifts for me a secret. Christmas 2005 was no different.

This year Janna gave me a bike trainer, cycling computer, and UW sweatshirt. Very fine choices if you ask me. The bike trainer is fantastic, leaves no excuse to get some kind of work out in every day. I basically took the past three weeks off as most triathletes ( I pretend that I am one) do to recoup and get ready to continue base and weight training. I am going to get back into the groove this week. As for Janna, she got a Coach purse, designer boots, clothes, and more. She's happy as well.

Christmas Eve was spent at my parents, Christmas morning in Madison, and Christmas night with Janna's family. A nice low key Christmas.

Next is a ski trip out west to Breckenridge or Jackson Hole in a couple of weeks!!!